Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog post 2; web 2.0 video

The web 2.0 video addresses a lot a lot of topics that we have read in Compose Design Advocate. I think it does a particularly good job with would be purpose. It implores these right off the bat with its unique style. The writer definitely has a message and a strong purpose that he/she wants to get across.
I personally think that the purpose of this video is to show how much text can change once it hits the web. He comes out with a negative generalization about text and writing and he writes it on paper. Once he hits the web, he shows how text is actually limitless. He does a good job of getting his purpose across by having the video be visually pleasing to the eye. I like how speeds up the video and he deletes and adds texts to show how flexible text really is.
I think he does an excellent job of taking into consideration all types of motivation he can have, when thinking about his sense of purpose. Instead of just writing a paper about text and how it is limitless on the web, he makes a video. He also takes into consideration long-term and short-term effects in his motivation. By making a video some people my discredit this. There are a lot of crappy videos out there that really have no point and don’t make a lot of sense. With this video, he does a good job making it fun and pleasing to the eye, but it is also serious and gets across a point the author is serious about.
Finally the author breaks his purpose up into the several different parts. He talks about hyperlink, blogging, and html in their own little section of the video. This is key to getting your sense of purpose across because you are using these little sections to build up your big idea. A lot of time this can be overlooked when someone is looking about the big picture. A lot of little communications can get lost, and it can ruin your sense of purpose.
It is clear that this author does an excellent job imploring purpose into his video. It is almost like they took their strategies word for word from Compose Design Advocate. He takes time to look at all aspects of motivation and tries to appeal to all types of people. He also takes into consideration the short and long-term effects of his motivation. Last but not least, he breaks up his communication into many different sections, and just doesn’t focus on the big picture. Overall, I think it is obvious that the author spent a lot of time thinking about purpose, and does a good job injecting it into the video.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog Post 1: Quotation on Writing

"Writing is the flip side of sex it's good only when it's over." Hunter S. Thompson

I think this quote engages purpose, audience, and context quite well. The purpose of this quote in my opinion is to convey the difficulties and hardships of writing a piece in a humorous and unique way. Hunter S. Thompson is not your average mainstream writer. So this comparison to sex is targeted to more of your non-mainstream type of audience. His audience is probably the late teenager/early adult. He is getting into subject matter that wouldn’t be suitable for a younger audience, and also would probably be considered offensive to an older audience. I like how he uses humor in this quotation to get across his purpose.

A comparison between sex and writing is not usually made. Once you get past the humor what he is saying is pretty much true. The process of writing really does suck. You have to put a lot of time and effort into it, and a lot of the time it can be extremely frustrating. I hate writing rough drafts and doing revision and revision. So when the task is finally complete that’s when you get the real pleasure and can enjoy your final piece of work. This quote does a really good job of engaging in context. He does a good job of considering the environment that the reader is going to read this quote.

By injecting humor into the quote he can take really almost any uncomfortable place one might in at the time and can improve it by making the reader laugh right off the bat. On the flip-side I can see how this quote will not work in certain places. I think it is obvious that the quote wouldn’t go over well in a church of a funeral home, but I really can’t see anyone reading this in those situations in the first place. Overall the quote does a good job of getting its message across. The process of writing is tough and most of the time unenjoyable, but once the process is done, you can find real pleasure in enjoying the fruits of your labor and savor the final piece of work.

Test post