Tuesday, November 24, 2009

wp3:pre writting 3

In last Thursday’s class, they way I thought of music were forever changed. I had never thought of music as being silent. I have never thought to question sound, and think of sound itself in a totally different manner than we normally do. I can take this type of thinking and apply it to the way I think of my sculpture. Once I look through it in a different light, I can answer many different questions that arise when I look at my sculpture. It is critical for me to think in this manner so that I can better understand my project as a whole.

One of the first questions that come to mind when I think of my object, is the fact that it is outside, and not inside. I think one of the main things you have to take into consideration is the way you can look at it. There are really no restrictions. I say this because when you are inside, you have a limited view of the object. When you are outside, you can look at it from as far away as you want, or you can look at it at any angle that is physically possible for you. A lot of times when you are inside a place you can’t touch the object itself. When the object is outside you have the ability to touch it, and actually get a feel of the object. I think the artist does this, because they really want for the texture of the object to play a part in its argument.

The concept of the sculpture being outside also makes me reconsider the outside world itself. It almost adds some sort of synthetic element to the outdoors, and nature. With my sculpture I find that it looks similar to that of a boulder. So it is curious to why they would have a boulder like object outside that is made out of bronze. Why wouldn’t they just put out a boulder that was shaped like a boot? I think the reason couple be many different things. The first would have to be the issue of durability. Even when I was looking at the statue for the first time, I think I might have noticed some erosion around the bottom part of the sculpture.

Another not so obvious reason could be the fact that they want to add that man made synthetic item to nature itself. If you look around campus you can question what is truly natural around the campus. All the trees are planted by man, all the grass was planted by man. So if that is the case then it would not necessarily be natural. If you would argue that it is, then you can argue that the statue itself is natural because it is outside. I think maybe this could be a parody of nature. If you look at it from rock standpoint, then it is curious to why it needed to be made out of bronze. Isn’t natural occurring granite strong enough?