Friday, December 4, 2009

Statement of Purpose

My art object, Ouranos, is a very interesting art object. It brings up a lot of interesting thoughts when looked through a rhetorical lens. There are many different ways one can approach this comic and analyze the true meaning of this comic. I think that the argument that is trying to be made here is that it is ok to be imperfect; in fact imperfection is normal and better than perfection.

I think the main thing to solidify this argument would have to be the context of where this object is located, and the audience that is here to look at the art related object. The location of this object is in a perfect place for the creator to get his argument across. The college setting is a great place to talk about imperfection. The audience will be able to relate, because we as people are imperfect. I think that this object being outside and right by a path also helps the argument. You will get college students, and people walking into campus, walking on this path every day. You are definitely maximizing the expose of the art object.

The object also looks like it is on a hill, so it is brought up higher, almost on a pedestal to once again maximize the expose. I think there are a lot of positive and negative things that can come from my word project. I think one the more difficult things to be able to get across is how I see the object. Since the object is very abstract and very deformed, it is hard to get across your argument and the way you view the object to your audience. I think if I supply enough photographs, and solid examples through research, I would be able to help cement my argument, and help get it across to my audience.

I think probably the most positive outcome I could get from this project is a lasting impact on my audience. In the world we live in today we are all hyped up to be this perfect mold of a person. We are almost brainwashed through the media to look a certain way. Perfection is a word that is thrown out all the time. If I can get the argument across to my audience maybe I can change the way they view themselves and enrich their lives. I think that I could let my audience know that it’s ok to be imperfect. I could let them know that their imperfections are normal, and you shouldn’t strive for these perfections that are absolutely impossible.

As you can see this art object has a very solid argument that it is trying to get across to its viewers. I think that it is an important message that we should live by day to day. If I can keep heading in this direction and take into consideration my audience, and I can help them relate to the message, then I could get a solid grade, and help someone learn an important message. If I can get my audience to think that they are ok the way they are then I have done my job.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wp3: pre writting 5

After researching information on the art object, Ouranos, by William Tucker, I learned a lot of new information that I hadn’t known in the first place. I learned about the meaning of the word Ouranos. I learned that it was actually named after an ancient Greek God. I learned about its background, and its significance. Apparently Ouranos was the first ruler of the universe.

I also learned that the object is in fact supposed to be a boot. So in the end this would confirm my first idea that it supposed to be a boot. The new information about the legend of Ouranos has made me think about the sculpture in a different way. If Ouranos was supposed to be a god, and supposed to be the ruler of the Universe, I would imagine time to be very big and very powerful. I think this could be represented in the large scale of the boot. I think that this boot could be a representation of Ouranos’ foot.

I think that since Ouranos would be big because he is a god, the boot could be just a small representation of his whole power, and mass. I also learned that he is supposed to be the son, and husband of the god of the earth. So this makes me some sense to why it would be located outside. The god’s ties to the earth make it a perfect choice for the sculpture to be placed outside, amongst the earth.

The sculpture’s ties with a god of the universe explain its placement on campus. Since this god was extremely significant, it makes sense that it is in a place that everyone can see. It is by a path, so it is apparent that the people who run the museum wanted people to see it. It also makes sense now why the sculpture is almost put on a pedestal. This is once again because of the ties to the god of the universe.

I also learned that the William Tucker also made 2 other sculptures to go with Ouranos. In fact, two other statues that where made with this statue where also made out of bronze. I really don’t know what to think of this. It really takes away from my first idea of the baby shoes. I don’t think that he wanted make that comparison about memories, and preserving those memories. After this research, I have some new ideas to why this could be on campus. One of those would have to be that the sky is the limit. I think this because if this statue is representative of the god of the universe, I think its significance on campus would be that you can do anything you set your mind to. That there is no limit to your potential, and maybe someday you can be a very important and significant figure in the world.

Works cited:

"Ouranos" 1 Dec. 2009<>

Brenson, Michael. "ART WILLIAM TUCKER AND HIS GREEK TITANS." 1987. The New York Times. <>

Monday, November 30, 2009

wp3:pre writing 4

After listening to the song we listened to on Tuesday, I have been able to see my project in a whole different light. I never thought that things could be looked at in that kind of way. I had never heard music made that way, and I have never thought to look at art objects in the same type of way. After listening to the song, I started to think about how my object could be expanded, in what ways could my art project I was assigned be expanded upon. In other words how could I take my art object and rethink the way I look at it.

The first thing I thought about with my project is what it represents. To a lot of people it might look like some giant blob, but right off the bat I thought it looked like a giant boot. It had some characteristics to that of a boot, which made me think even more about how unique this object really is. When I did some expansion, and looked at it at other angles, it looked different in every angle. This was especially evident when I compared the two sides of the boot; one side looked more deformed than the other side.

This made me think of the possibility that it could in fact represent a rock. It has as certain textural quality to it which looks like a rock. Since it has that deformity to its structure, I look like it could be some sort of giant mountain that happened to be shrunk down to fit on campus. I also thought about why it would be located where it is. It is located towards the back side of the museum, and is right by a path. It is apparent that when the museum was looking for a place to put this object, they wanted people to see it.

Then I had to think of why one would want to look at this. It is necessarily aesthetically pleasing. I bet to most people it just looks like a giant rock, or piece of poop. Then I came up with a couple different ideas that could explain why this object is where it is. I first thought it could represent some sort of a journey. That it was there to represent the journey that we take when we are in college, and into life itself. This would help explain that it is right next to a path. It could also help explain its location being right out in the open for all to see. We can all relate to the sculpture, because we are all on some sort of journey. I also noticed that this object is on top of a hill. It is almost like it is on top of a pedestal. I think this is so that once again people will take a solid look at this object. It stands out from the flat ground and would have to have some sort of significance.