Friday, October 2, 2009

WP1: Statement of Purpose

As a writer there are a lot of things I must do to achieve a solid statement of purpose. There are a lot of responsibilities one has to their audience. I also must consider the context and state of mind someone might be reading my piece. There are a lot of situations I need to take into consideration, such as what good and what bad can come out of my statement of purpose. After I have taken all this into consideration, I have to decide to make my statement of purpose as following. I think the picture is trying to depict one of happiness in and otherwise troubling time and I want my audience to feel the same way.
As a writer I have many responsibilities I must fulfill. I need to leave some things up for debate. I can’t treat the audiences like inferior beings. I think I can do a good job with this considering my statement of purpose. I think that my statement is highly debatable and I will make sure to state that there are multiple angles one can view this from. When thinking of my audience I want to make sure that they can relate to what I am talking about. Since my photo has people fishing, it will also appeal to people who like to fish.
That’s why am talking about war and chaos, and separating one’s self from such situations. I think we can all relate to this. War is a troubling time and takes a toll on all that who is involved. I want to state that the boys are separating themselves from all the chaos that is going on in the U.S. and overseas. They want to get away from all the hustle and bustle and just relax. There are many times in our own life that we all want to do the same. I think in this case I can defiantly relate to my audience not matter who they are.
In terms of context, I think that most people will be reading this in the comfort of their own living quarters or in a computer lab. I think this definitely works to my advantage. They are already in a comfortable spot and in a relaxed area. I think at that point in time they can think about how they are getting away from their own troubles and turmoil’s, while they are reading my writing.
There are many good things that can come from this statement of purpose and my final draft of my project. Besides the fact that I can get an A on the project, I can also enrich the rest of my pieces of writing throughout college. I can learn a lot about the writing process and rhetoric process. I can also make someone think and enjoy my writing. I can also get some satisfaction from creating a solid piece of writing.
I have also taken into consideration all the things that could possible go wrong with my statement of purpose. If I do a bad job then I could get an F on the project. Also because my photo deals with war, it can bring up a painful time in someone’s life. There are a lot of people who have family who have fought in wars so bringing up something such as war can be very painful.
In the end I think I have a solid grasp on my statement of purpose. I fully understand all the responsibilities that I have to have for my audience. I understand what can go wrong, and also all the things that can go right with my statement of purpose. In the end I think I have formulated a solid statement of purpose that will aid me with my project.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pre-writing Assingment 3

After I did some actual research on my photo, I have noticed many things that are wrong with my first preconceived notions. I learned a lot about the economy at that time, and a lot about the way people lived. My notions of Louisiana being a mostly poor state with fewer advantages than other places couldn’t have been more far off. I glad I did this research because it has definitely has shed new light on my photo and given me more background information about what agreement my photo is really trying to make.
When I first thought of Louisiana, I thought it was mostly a poor state especially during war times. I couldn’t have been more wrong. According to the Journal of Southern History, Louisiana was flooded with new people into the states with job opportunities. These job opportunities where open to all walks of life and that was really surprising to me. I had originally thought that most of the jobs would have gone to other places, and that a lot of people at that time would have went overseas and found in the war. I also learned that a lot of workers decided to work in California. Even though a lot of people left, I can see how this would open up jobs for people after The Great Depression.
I also learned a lot about the state during the great depression. Governor Huey Long created a lot of job opportunities and increased white suffrage and education in the state of Louisiana. This puts to rest another one of my misconceptions. I thought that a lot of people in the south did not have the recourses to have a solid education. I thought that the boys because of how they dressed would not have a solid education.
After all my research, I have now been educated about the time and have new considerations to my photograph. I have learned that the boys are not uneducated. I had learned that the boys in my photo where fishing near a school. So this leads me to believe that they were actually enrolled in school, rather that they were relaxing after a long day of school by fishing in the bayou across the way. I also learned a lot about the economy from that time period. The people there where filled with multiple job opportunities because of the current war. So I think that the reason the boys where clothed so poorly was their choice. I think that since they were participating in an activity such as fishing, they were wearing some dingy clothing so they don’t get their nice cloths dirty.
I no longer think that the photographer was trying to depict this scene as one of poverty and people who are not well off. I think that she wanted to shine a light on hope in America where there was war and suffering across seas. I think that she wanted people to see a quiet relaxed scene, and add peace to a horrific time. In the end, I have learned a lot through my research to help me come up with many new notions about my photograph.

Works citied:

"History of Louisiana".Sept 30 2009<>

Boles, John.Journal of Southern History.Pennslyvania:Sheridan Press, August 1989

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pre writting assignment 2

My photograph has a good amount of technical aspects to it. First of all I would like to talk about the placement of the two boys. They are not necessary like the middle of the photo. The boys are without a doubt the vocal point of the photograph. They are placed in the right corner. This makes me believe that the photographer wants you to not only notice the two boys fishing, but she also wants you to take in the beauty of the Louisiana Bayou. This arrangement differently inflicts pathos upon me. When I see the scenery, it makes me feel calm and relaxed. The vectors of attention are unique in this photograph. Both of the boys that are in the photograph are looking at the lake and focusing on fishing. It is like they have no clue that they are even being photographed.
I like the style of pictures where the people do not know that they are being photographed. I think then you can really get the true emotion and feeling of the person at that moment. I like that style and ethos and think my photo does a good job of embodying it. I also get some sort of felling of mystery with the arrangement. Since the photographer decides not to include the faces of the people being photographed, I can’t see what they look like or what kind of emotion they have at the time. This adds some sort of mystery and curiosity to the photograph in my opinion.
I and curious to what these boys look like and what kind of emotion if any they have at that certain time. This also gets me a little angry. It is frustrating that she would leave the boys actual faces out of the picture all together. My photographer does a very good job with the lighting in the picture. I like how she has the main light on the boys who are fishing. This adds to the logos of the photo with the visual higharcy. It draws my attention to the boys first because of the lighting situation. It also evokes an emotion of relaxation for me.
I like how she has the bayou and the whole picture not to incorporate that much light. The most light is on the boys themselves, and then it is relatively dark and shadowed. This makes the picture look very calm and relaxing. When I look closer at the photo, using the cropping technique I really get more attached to the people in the photo. By looking closer you can tell these boys aren’t exactly well off. They both don’t have shoes and are using what looks like a homemade fishing pole. Their close look old and worn especially their sunhats. This establishes more pathos in the photograph. You get a great deal of sympathy for the boys and wish that they could be better off. I think in the end it is clear through techniques used to analyze photographs, you find a lot of other rhetorical elements.