Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pre-writing Assingment 3

After I did some actual research on my photo, I have noticed many things that are wrong with my first preconceived notions. I learned a lot about the economy at that time, and a lot about the way people lived. My notions of Louisiana being a mostly poor state with fewer advantages than other places couldn’t have been more far off. I glad I did this research because it has definitely has shed new light on my photo and given me more background information about what agreement my photo is really trying to make.
When I first thought of Louisiana, I thought it was mostly a poor state especially during war times. I couldn’t have been more wrong. According to the Journal of Southern History, Louisiana was flooded with new people into the states with job opportunities. These job opportunities where open to all walks of life and that was really surprising to me. I had originally thought that most of the jobs would have gone to other places, and that a lot of people at that time would have went overseas and found in the war. I also learned that a lot of workers decided to work in California. Even though a lot of people left, I can see how this would open up jobs for people after The Great Depression.
I also learned a lot about the state during the great depression. Governor Huey Long created a lot of job opportunities and increased white suffrage and education in the state of Louisiana. This puts to rest another one of my misconceptions. I thought that a lot of people in the south did not have the recourses to have a solid education. I thought that the boys because of how they dressed would not have a solid education.
After all my research, I have now been educated about the time and have new considerations to my photograph. I have learned that the boys are not uneducated. I had learned that the boys in my photo where fishing near a school. So this leads me to believe that they were actually enrolled in school, rather that they were relaxing after a long day of school by fishing in the bayou across the way. I also learned a lot about the economy from that time period. The people there where filled with multiple job opportunities because of the current war. So I think that the reason the boys where clothed so poorly was their choice. I think that since they were participating in an activity such as fishing, they were wearing some dingy clothing so they don’t get their nice cloths dirty.
I no longer think that the photographer was trying to depict this scene as one of poverty and people who are not well off. I think that she wanted to shine a light on hope in America where there was war and suffering across seas. I think that she wanted people to see a quiet relaxed scene, and add peace to a horrific time. In the end, I have learned a lot through my research to help me come up with many new notions about my photograph.

Works citied:

"History of Louisiana".Sept 30 2009<>

Boles, John.Journal of Southern History.Pennslyvania:Sheridan Press, August 1989

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