Tuesday, November 17, 2009

wp3:pre writting 1

My experiences with art with art related objects. I guess I just never really go that much into art. I think this can be linked back to my experiences as a little kid. When I little and growing up in North Platte, we never went on any field trips to any art related places. This would probably have to be due to the fact that there really wasn’t any kind of place we could go to view art related objects. When I moved to Lincoln, that all changed. There were many more places I could go and visit that had art objects in them.

Even though I had these opportunities, I never really pursued them. I don’t really like art in the first place. I am more into music and sports. I have always thought as art as dumb, and a lot of the more abstract things I really don’t get. I think a lot of it I can do myself, and don’t get why people would pay top dollar for a lot of this stuff. My parents were also never really into art, so it was never a big factor in my house. We would never go to art museums and look at art related objects. I drew a little bit as a kid, but that was the closest I ever really got to pursuing an interest in art.

I think analyzing an art related object is going to be difficult. I had some trouble analyzing Breach, and I think other art objects will give me the same trouble. I think it is going to be hard to analyze an object that really has no words to go with it. I think the more abstract objects are going to be especially difficult. I have trouble seeing anything in them. Most of the time I look at art and take it face value. I think I am going to have to get myself in a different mindset, maybe even look at some art, to get a better understanding on how to analyze art related objects.

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