Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wp3:pre writting 2

There were a lot of rhetorical techniques that I found when looking at my sculpture Ouranos. The first thing I found that stood out to me was the shape of the sculpture. Though it was abstract it had a distinct shape of a boot. It wasn’t exact, but it did have a distinct shape to that of a boot. Another thing I notices was the texture of the object itself. It looked like some sort of Miniature Mountain, shrunk down to fit in the UNL campus. The reason I say this is because all around the structure has many different divots, and it looks like the surface of a rock.

Another aspect that stood out to me would have to be the context of the object. I had a lot of different questions when I was looking at this piece. I came up with a lot of different reasons that answered the question, why would this piece be on campus, and what is it trying to say. The first thing I thought of was how this could relate to us college students who are on campus and who see it every day. The first thing that came to mind was that we walk all the time all around campus, so that would make some sense to why there would be this boot looking thing on campus.

Then I decided I would take that idea and look into it even further. I thought about how the boot could represent the journey that we have not only in college, but in life. The reason I thought about this was because of the worn nature of the boot. The journey of life is not an easy one, and you have to put in a lot of hard work to come to your final destination. This would justify the fact that the boot is worn and looks like it has been through a lot.

Another aspect I noticed when I was looking at the object was what it was made of. I noticed that it was made from bronze, and this raised a lot of questions on why they would decide to make it out of this material, and not something else. The first thing that came to mind would have to be a bronzed pair of baby shoes. In some cases parents will take their child’s shoes when they are a little kid, and bronze them to preserve the memory of their child.

I thought that this could relate back to my observation of the shoe being some sort of representation of the journey of life. The object could be telling us that we need to take all the moments we make in college and further on and preserve them. We need to make sure that we never forget them, and that they are precious to us. I think in the end I made a lot of good observations, and have a fairly good grasp on the rhetorical techniques that the sculptor is trying to make. I just think I need to refine my ideas a little more.

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